Walter Stillman HSA After School Clubs, Tenafly, NJ, 07670// Schedule of Dates & Club Information:
Stillman HSA After School Clubs program is NOT a Tenafly Public Schools Board of Education district program. As parent &/or guardian, you acknowledge by registering your child(s) to the Stillman HSA After School Clubs program, that you agree, abide, and accept our rules, policies, and terms of agreement set forth in the Stillman HSA After School Clubs Brochure.
2025 Spring HSA After-School Clubs
- Fall/Winter clubs in session: [10/7- 1/31/25].
- Fall/Winter clubs make up weeks: [2/3- 2/7, & 2/21/25, (no 2/14, no 2/17, snow day 2/18 (?)].
- 2025 Spring registration begins: [1/13- 1/20/25].
- 2025 Spring clubs begin February 24th.
- 2025 Spring clubs in session: [2/24- 5/30/25].
- 2025 Spring clubs make up weeks: [6/2- 6/13/25].
2025 Spring HSA club dates are as follows:
Mondays (11 weeks):
February 24.
March (no 3/3), 10, 17, 24, 31.
April 7, (no 4/14), 21, 28.
May 5, 12, 19, (no 5/26).
Tuesdays (12 weeks):
February 25.
March 4, 11, 18, 25.
April 1, 8, (no 4/15), 4/22, 4/29.
May 6, 13, 20, (no 5/27).
Wednesdays (13 weeks):
February 26.
March 5, 12, 19, 26.
April 2, 9, (no 4/16), 4/23, 4/30.
May 7, 14, 21, 28.
Thursdays (12 weeks):
February 27.
March 6, 13, (no 3/20), 3/27.
April 3, 10, (no 4/17), 4/24.
May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29.
Friday (11 weeks):
February 28.
March 7, 14, (no 3/21), 3/28.
April 4, 11, (no 4/18), 4/25.
May 2, 9, 16, (no 5/23), 5/30.
*Please note: WITS club meets on its own schedule of dates. Please reach out to our WITS instructor: Nurse Hess @ or (201) 816- 7713 for more information.
_Stillman HSA After-School Clubs Team
Stillman HSA After School Clubs Terms of Agreement:
Thank you for your interest in our HSA After-School Clubs program!
Time: 3:10p*- 4:10p. *(Students participating in the Stillman HSA After-School program will be released directly to their clubs, following the school's dismissal bell).
If your child is present for school, they are expected to attend their club. If your child will not be attending their club for any reason, please call the main office at: (201) 816- 7711 (or) send an email to before 3:00pm.
What is Stillman’s HSA After-School Club program?
Stillman HSA After-School Clubs is a HSA sponsored after-school enrichment program; organized by Stillman parent volunteers, committed to providing a safe, enriched continued learning environment for students after school. Stillman HSA After-School Clubs offers a fun way for students to enjoy learning something new while spending time with friends after regular school hours. Please note: after school clubs meet only when there is a FULL day of school.
There is not a nurse on staff during the Stillman HSA After School Clubs program.
Stillman HSA After School Clubs program is NOT a Tenafly Board of Education district program. As parent &/or guardian, you acknowledge by registering your child(s) to the Stillman HSA After School Clubs program, that you agree, abide, and accept our rules, policies, and terms of agreement set forth in the Stillman HSA After School Clubs Brochure.
How do I register my child for a Stillman HSA After-School Club?
- Review our current after-school clubs Catalog/ Brochure; which provides the current sessions schedule and details of our club descriptions.
- Create an account /or/ Log into Membership Toolkit:
- Go to Home and click on REGISTER/LOGIN
- Clubs will be listed under the New Forms section
- There will be one clubs registration form for each child listed in Membership Toolkit
- Payments will be made online via credit card
How do I know if my child got into a Stillman HSA After-School Club?
IF YOU DO NOT HEAR FROM US, YOUR CHILD'S REGISTRATION IS CONFIRMED. However, Membership Toolkit will send you a confirmation email once you have completed the payment and the registration for the club(s) you have enrolled your child(ren) in. Please note that your child is NOT registered for a club until payment has been completed.
Please send your child to the club on the first meeting date listed in our Clubs Brochure; which consists of the schedule of dates in which the clubs will run.
Please note: there are a limited number of children who can be admitted to each club.
Register early, as enrollment to each club is on a “first come, first served” basis.
Also note: there are a minimum number of children needed to cover the cost of each club. If a club must be canceled due to enrollment not being met, you are entitled to a second choice. We will contact you about any necessary changes. In the event a club is canceled we will refund your full amount.
What is the Stillman HSA After-School Club Refund Policy?
Stillman HSA After School Clubs program is a HSA fundraiser, therefore we do not offer refunds.
In addition, the HSA DOES NOT offer refunds for club costs &/or fees if your child is absent from a regular or rescheduled club meeting. The HSA DOES NOT offer any refunds if your child drops out of any club(s) AT ANY TIME during the club's session set forth. Please keep in mind, THERE IS NO TRIAL CLASS. If, in the judgment of the club teacher, a student is simply not working well in a club, his or her enrollment will be withdrawn, and you will receive a prorated refund of the club fee. If schools are closed due to events beyond our control such as weather emergencies etc., we cannot offer a refund for the missed class. Make up classes may be offered if the schedule allows, but are not guaranteed.
Please note: In the event you register your child after the clubs registration period has closed, there will be a $25 late registration fee &/or $25 club change fee charged for EACH new or change in club registrant.
In the event you need to change your child’s existing club due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be a $25 late registration fee/ club change fee charged for EACH club change; in addition to any additional fees or cost differences set forth by the HSA &/or club vendors. NO EXCEPTIONS. We appreciate your cooperation.
Stillman HSA After-School Clubs Program Behavior Policy:
Although after-school clubs have a more relaxed atmosphere, our school code of conduct remains in place and will be strictly enforced. If it is in the judgment of the club supervisor that a child is not exhibiting acceptable behavior, he/she will be given a warning. If the behavior persists the parents will be notified. If there is still no improvement after these warnings, membership to the club will be withdrawn. Unfortunately, a refund of the club costs and/or fees will NOT be given. In addition, that student may not be permitted to register for the same club in a later session without expressed approval from the club instructor &/or club supervisor.
What is the Stillman HSA After-School Club Dismissal Policy?
After-school clubs are held on full days of school, as well as, delayed opening days. There will not be clubs on days of early dismissal, school closings, holidays and various other special calendar days throughout the year. If your child is present for school, they are expected to attend their club. If your child will not be attending their club for any reason, please call the main office at: (201) 816- 7711 (or) send an email to before 3:00pm. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please indicate on the online registration form how you would like your child dismissed from the club: to be met at the door by a parent or guardian or through independent release, (to leave the building alone). FOR SAFETY REASONS, CHILDREN WILL EXIT FROM THE MAIN EXIT ONLY.
If your child attends SACC, your child will be dismissed directly to SACC personnel at the end of each club meeting. SACC has a list of the children attending clubs.
If a club meeting must be canceled at the last minute, for any reason, we must be able to contact someone who can pick up your child from school at the regular 3:10 PM time. Please make sure to include that information on the online registration form.
After-school clubs end promptly at 4:10 P.M. Please remember to make arrangements for your children to be picked up at that time. Teachers need to leave the building when classes are over. If your child is not picked promptly, your child may be removed from the club without a refund.
Note: If there are any last minute changes to your child’s dismissal; (i.e., play dates, etc.); you must notify the school secretary & their teacher(s) prior to school dismissal; as we must notify the after-school instructor of this change.
Thank you for reading our rules, policies, and terms of service agreement written forth in the Stillman HSA After School Clubs Brochure.
By registering your child to our program, you acknowledge, agree, abide, and accept our rules, policies, and terms of agreement set forth in the Stillman HSA After School Clubs Brochure.
We would not be able to offer our after school clubs programming without our HSA and our dedicated parent volunteers! Did you know? The HSA is looking for a #5160 TPS district cleared club committee parent volunteers to help run our after school clubs program*. *Basic administrative & basic excel knowledge preferred.
If you are interested in volunteering &/or joining the Stillman HSA After-School Clubs Team to help continue our after-school clubs programming, please inquire and email us at: